By: Willie K. Herron Sr.
Date: June 30 – July 30, 2009
Problem: My concern is to make known the quantity of turtles in the Ocean on the North Shore of Oahu and to find a way to limit their eating activity. They have eaten most if not all of the Limu which has effectively chased away the reef fish and is creating future problems with the growth of fresh Limu. There are a number of Limu eating fish. Some of them are the Kala, manini, Nenui, Uhu, Wana and many more that depend on the sea weed for its nourishment, laying eggs in the Limu and hiding their young for their protection. Limu is not just a source of food for the turtles, it is a protection and means of survival for many other salt-water ocean species. The laws as they are currently written are protecting the turtles not knowing the damage that they are doing to the reefs. We need the Limu. We need the Fish. We need the Turtles. But there has to be a way that they can co-exist without one eliminating the other. As of now, the problem is is that the Turtles have eliminated the Limu and subsequently, they are also in the process of eliminating the fish. As a result, the cycle will cease.
In an attempt to get a hearing and to start an investigation, I called the various state agencies in this order in order to inform them of the issues.
1. May 2009, DLNR Att: Dave Gulke – Comments: I explained the turtle problems as I see it. His response was that the storm in December 2008 was what probably killed the Limu. I disagreed and asked him to do something about it. He said he would send a crew out to my house and I would show them what problems I was experiencing. Nobody ever came out.
2. May 19, 2009, I went to the Neighborhood Board meeting. Comments: They said and agreed that nobody knew that there was a Turtle problem and agreed to discuss it at a future date. Board member Jake Ng seemed like he would take the lead in following up with the turtle problem. But nothing happened and nobody called me after that.
3. June 23, 2009, I went to the Neighborhood Board meeting. Comments: I again raised my concerns, but after the 3 minutes I was given to explain my issues, they thanked me and went on to the next speaker.
4. June 30, 2009, DLNR Att: Glenn Higashi – Comments: He only works with fresh water issues. No further discussion was with him.
5. June 30, 2009, DLNR Att: Dave Smith – Comments: He only works with land animals. No further discussions with him.
6. June 30, 2009, DLNR Att: Laura Thielan – Comments: She wasn’t in so I talked to her aide Claira phone number 587-0400 at 10:35a on Tuesday June 30. She called Dave Gulke who said I had to write a letter to DLNR. I wrote a letter, see Attached exhibit 1. She received the letter July 2, but I did not get a response nor did she return my pictures.
7. June 30, 2009, I called University of Hawaii 923-9741 which was an answering machine. I left my name and phone number but got no response.
8. July 6, 2009, I called Endangered Species Dept. on 10:40a, the lady I talked to said she would talk to the proper people and get back to me. I left my name and phone number but no further response.
9. July 18, 2009, At the Haleiwa Arts Festival, I talked to Joanne Pettigrew from Malama Honu in person – Comments: She said she did not know what to do about the problem. But said to call DLNR Earl Miyamoto. But after I left, I forgot to get his phone number, but by this time I was too frustrated with DLNR to think I’d get a response anyways, and apparently Joanne did not forward my concerns to anyone.
10. July 28, 2009, I went to the Neighborhood Board Meeting. Comments: I talked with a few people before the meeting to see if anybody else was aware of the problems I knew about. I talked with Todd and Marsha White at this meeting. I knew Todd was very familiar with the ocean so I asked him his opinion. Todd said he knew nothing of it. In fact he said that he had a web site discussing the Turtles, their habitat and pictures of several citings etc., at I explained my observations to him and his wife. They encouraged me to bring it up and the board meeting which I did. Again, I got no response and after my 3 minutes or so, they thanked me for my concerns and went on to the next speaker.
11. Todd White agreed to take on my cause and said he knew who to contact at the DLNR office.
12. July 29, 2009, Todd called his contact at DLNR who said he was not aware of the problem either but gave a name to contact. Her name was Irene Kelly. I decided to correlate my notes before I contacted her.
13. July 30, 2009, I went to Todd White’s house to create this written record of my attempts to get a hearing.
Discussion: If something doesn’t happen soon, there will be no more Limu, reef fish or turtles. They will have eaten themselves out of house and home. In support of this, every evening, the Turtles are currently going up Anahulu stream in search of food. In talking with Mike Lyons at 722-8320 who said that a group of people took a head count and found that hundreds of Turtles go up stream every night. At first it was thought that they were going up stream for their sleeping protection or for laying eggs. It was later discovered by those that have monitored their habits that they were going up the stream in order to get food and eating the grass on the embankments.
Recommendation: The Turtles need to be allowed to be hunted in seasons just like the Mullet, Lobster, Crabs, Moi, Oama, mountain Pigs, Pheasant and many other animals that are allowed to exist within their limits.
Todd White can be reached at 808-479-5287.
Willie K. Herron
Home phone: 808-636-2321 * Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712
Thursday, July 30, 2009
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On the June Haleiwa North Shore Neighborhood board meeting a question was raised. Don't you believe that the fresh water from the mountain streams is killing off the Limu? In general, Mr. Herrons response was: The rivers have always been here. Anahulu, Kaiaka, Otake, the Paukauila and other North Shore streams have always been flowing. They were flowing more when the Waialua Sugar company and Dole were in running condition, there was much more fresh water (as opposed to salt water) flowing into the ocean. There is less fresh water flowing into the ocean today than there was 20 years ago. There has always been limu and there has always been reef fish. Something has changed in the last 15-20 years and it's not the addition or change of flow of the fresh water streams. It is not the addition of more people eating the Limu. It is not the change of peoples diets. It is not the flow of more fresh water into the ocean. It is the turtles. Nothing else has changed so as to negatively affect the limu and the reef fish.
I have written DLNR & all they have for an answer is that they say it's because of fresh water run off. To me that answer is because they don't have a good answer. I don't want to answer to Turtle activists. I have been a diver for 52 years. I live right on the North Shore and have seen many floods, muddy water and so forth, but we always had lots of limu. Ever since they chose to protect the turtles, they have come back in the hunreds. Like I said before, I have been to 3 board meetings and warned them about what might happen if something is not done. I think I deserve an answer. If not from the Neighborhood Board then from some state agency that deals with the reefs and turtles, if not from them, then from DLNR. Somebody has a responsibility to respond to my concerns.
Willie Herron
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