Although you might find any number of web sites that say sea turtles are hundreds of millions of years old and that they pre-date the dinosaurs by millions of years, you won't ever find this site agreeing with those findings. Without getting religeous on you, the Bible clearly identifies "creative days". It says that there were seven of them and that each creative day was 7,000 years long. The seventh day is a day of rest and the other six were used to create things.
It the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This may have been billions and billions of years ago give or take a billion years.
Day 1 - There was a division between the light and the dark
Day 2 - He made a division between the expanses, between the waters on the earth and the waters in the sky. Thereafter it was called sky water.
Day 3 - Vegetation was created and planted around the earth to produce seed according to its own kind
Day 4 - He created the luminaries to shine upon the earth.
Day 5 - He created the sea animals and the land animals and every creature that roams about the earth, sea and skies.
Day 6 - He created man
Day 7 - He rested.
Since, according to my Biblical research, every creative day appears to be about 7,000 years long and therefore assuming we are well into the last part (or approximately 6,000 years) of the 7th creative day, the oldest created living being is no more than approximately 20,000 years old. Of course, this is my understanding.
Now as far as the Green sea turtle in these islands, it is not known how old they are. One sight that is about 90% correct (eliminating their theory or statements of evolution) is
We know that the turtles give birth on the sands or sea shore but I have never talked to anybody who has ever recorded where this happens here in the islands.
Another interesting site that has some factual information is Again, I have some differences with some of the information which will eventually be edited and posted here.